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- Article author: Wiebke Liu
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Fruit Leather Rollups are one of our favorite snack jar treats. But don't go out and buy the plastic wrapped rollups at the store. Simply make your own in a super-low temperature oven.
The recipe below is based on mango. It also works with other fruit like nectarines, peaches, plums, pears, apples and, our favorite, strawberries. The drying times will vary based on how much juice is in your fruit.
Mix in honey to taste for a sweeter treat. Mix fruits for that matter, too. We sometimes add chia seeds for a bit of crunch. Have fun!
And there you have it: a healthy, natural treat made right at home.
Best of, you get to control the ingredients plus you save food-waste and money because this recipe is perfect for fruit that is getting a wee bit too soft for your family's taste.
We make big batches using our food processor. But a blender works well, too. The fruit leathers last for months in your Blisshaus jars... but we bet it disappears before you know it.